Get More Bookings -> Dispatch Them Smart

We believe that having multiple booking sources will bring you more business. More bookings will allow you to grow your chauffeur business, hire more chauffeurs and start focusing exclusively on your chauffeur business growth.
This is why our software was designed to handle & efficiently track bookings from a large variety of sources. These can be:

  • Take booking from Your Website
  • Take booking from Affiliate Websites
  • Take booking by Phone
  • Take booking from other chauffeur companies
  • Connect with Corporate Customers
  • Connect with Travel Agents
  • Connect with Hotels

Get Bookings from multiple channels

get bookings from multiple sources and centralize in chaufeur admin dashboard

Dispatch your bookings Smart to get more profit

To grow your chauffeur business beside the high number of bookings, it is important the margin you have for each of them. Our smart dispatch solution allow you to maximize the profit at every step.

You can dispatch each booking:

  • To yourself with a single click
  • To a specified hired chauffeur
  • By starting a BID between your affiliate chauffeurs. This option will maximize your profit for each booking. Work smart, not hard.

Create your free account and start growing your business today!

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